SAFE Banking, remote notary should be included in Senate NDAA

Credit unions have profound interest in preserving the Department of Defense’s (DoD) discretionary authority to allow credit unions to use land and space on military bases at a nominal rate, CUNA and other organizations wrote to House and Senate Armed Services Committee leaders Thursday. The Senate is expected to consider the FY2022 National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) in the coming days.

CUNA, Leagues, and credit unions have strongly pushed back against any expansion to banks of the current arrangement between credit unions and the DOD. The House passed its version of the NDAA in September without the troublesome language.

“Thank you for not including this language in the House-passed version of NDAA or in the Senate Armed Services Committee mark-up,” the letter reads. “We ask that it remains out of the FY2022 NDAA and you continue to reject attempts at its inclusion on the Senate floor. Further, we ask that the final conference report reflect the Senate language that is silent on this specific issue.”


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