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Two Things

by Anthony Demangone

Earlier this week, I shared an article that discussedpossible reasons that you aren't as successful as you wish you were. A reader wrote me a note to say that she read the comments to the article, and she was bothered by how so many people tie success to money and things.

I couldn't agree more. I consider my parents to be some of the most successful people on the planet. You won't read about them in a magazine, but they raised five kids, sent us to college, and lived a balanced life centered around family, friends, their faith, health and community.

But I'll say this:they had to work at it.Success, however you define it, will take hard work. This comes from a blog post I wrote a while ago on the fact that there'sno such thing as a free lunch. The key, I think, is knowing, with clarity, what you want - what success means toyou.

There's no such thing as a free lunch.

You want to be a top-level athlete? You're going to have to spend time in the gym and forego late-night parties so that you can train the next morning...

You want to turn around an organization? You'll need many tough conversations and even more tough decisions. And "tough" is probably not strong enough a word.

For every action, there's an opposite reaction. I'm not sure it is always anequalreaction. But this much is true - any time you push in a new direction in your life, something else will push back.

Given this "rule" of life, it might be tempting to stand still. To maintain the status quo. To refrain from rocking the boat.

Ah, be careful, Kate and Briggs.

There's no free lunch there either.

Randall Smith