You have only 3 seconds to…

The attention of consumers is at a premium. The latest research says that you have only seven seconds to hook the viewer or listener of your ad and get them interested.

In fact, erring on the side of caution, let’s say you probably only have three seconds to have a chance. That’s because in the digital world we live in people are wired to make decisions instantly. Is this for me or is it not? If so, what’s in it for me? Interested or not interested? It’s not a logical decision or even a calculated decision: it’s a selfish emotional decision.

So how can you beat the odds and capture the attention of the distracted consumer over-served with ads everywhere they look and listen? It starts with a compelling, provocative, relatable hook that follows with a good story, getting the most important info in front of them immediately. So what kind of hook gives you the best chance of grabbing that precious sought after attention?

1      Fear is a powerful motivator. Think about your local television newscast. They rely on this to attract viewers with terrifying teases. “How drinking a cup of water could kill you, tonight at 11.” But along with fear comes the solution: safety or comfort. Reassurance that will be okay in their world. What financial fears are in the minds of consumers today? Read CUinsight or the Huffington Post and you’ll find a myriad of headlines that could help you craft a message of financial fear, followed by the comfort of knowing how your credit union can help or prevent such a disastrous thing from happening.

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