Your staff defines your credit union. How are they representing you?

When your members think about your credit union, they think about their interactions with individuals. Member experiences—positive and negative—shape and define your credit union’s brand. To take control of your image and make positive memories for your members, it’s vital to have a company culture that places value on individual interactions.

By focusing on one-on-one interactions, you can improve workplace communication, foster stronger member relationships, strengthen your bottom line through increased accounts, sustain and grow membership through positive word of mouth, make improvements in productivity and recruit and retain staff through your efforts.

Cultural changes are not easy, but are often necessary to ensure long-term success for your credit union. More than just casual Fridays and water cooler conversations, committing to change means doing whatever it takes to help members.

Given time, patience and dedication, your credit union can create positive change. By celebrating successes, communicating openly and honestly, outlining key expectations and holding everyone to the same standards, you can begin the process of strengthening every part of your interactions with coworkers and most importantly, members.

Change can be difficult and hard to kickstart. There are many different opportunities to help you grow staff engagement. By creating goals, establishing a network of support and having assistance every step of the way, you can create sustained, long-term improvement.

It is always important to remember that your staff is what defines your credit union to your members. Listen to feedback, determine what your members find important and dedicate yourself to making tough changes by working together. You’ll come out on the other side with a stronger, happier, more closely bonded staff and community.

Need help implementing change? Check out CUNA Creating Member Loyalty™. This program focuses on transforming credit unions so that they exceed at every level of member experience.

By: Kristin Ryan, Director of Learning Events