13 Marketing Tasks to Consider in 2013

by Mark Arnold

The year 2013 has finally arrived. Last year’s prognosticators regarding the Mayan calendar and the end of the world didn’t exactly come true. As you scan your 2013 marketing calendar, it is probably already full with a complete list of tasks to accomplish this year. But are they the right tasks? Some of the items listed below are strategic (because marketing is such a strategic priority) while others are tactical and practical in nature. Please feel free to let contribute your own ideas as well!

(1)   Develop an engagement strategy

How engaged are consumers with your financial institution? My guess is not very much. People tend to feel their financial institution is just that—an institution. We have to change that perception. The more we can effectively engage consumers, the better we can reach them. Your employees are the bridge between your brand and your members/customers. In some cases, banks and credit unions are actually replacing sales and service training with engagement training. Why? Because your staff holds the key to engagement.

(2)   Conduct elite sales training for your best staff

Speaking of training, do you train everyone in your organization the same way? You shouldn’t. Your best deserve the best. Some of the most effective banks and credit unions are conducting advanced sales training for their elite sales force. They give them specialized training to better reach their higher sales goals.

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