3 ways to protect your email during a crisis

Written by Robin Remines

Being able to access to your email during a crisis is no longer an option. Email is a critical component of the crisis management’s team toolkit. Being able to communicate is imperative to sound decision making and recovery.  If you are looking for the top ways to protect your email during a crisis then this post is for you!

1) Backups – I’m embarrassed to even start with this but just in case you are still relying on tape backups that are run nightly and then taken off site the next morning, well, let’s just say – you’ll be out of luck in 99% of any scenario I can come up with. Why? Because to restore your server to it’s last full backup means you’re getting day old data. Yup – everything you typed, sent, received.. gone.  So as a minimum, look at your backup strategy. Can you afford to lose a day’s worth of email?

2) Get it out of the data center. Pursuing hosted exchange is almost a no-brainer in my opinion. Email administration alone is a time consuming never ending job that ties up your critical and limited resources. Hosting your exchange center not only improves your RTO but also frees up your team to do more strategically aligned work.

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