5 Points to Regulation Relief with NAFCU’s Fred Becker


Credit unions as of late have experienced a virtual landslide of regulations reigning upon them. Many cannot keep up with the thousands and thousands of pages of rules financial institutions must follow to remain compliant in our ever-strict industry. Pardon the pun, but it’s quite taxing for most. To hopefully alleviate some of the stress credit unions are experiencing in today’s compliancy craze, NAFCU’s President/CEO Fred Becker has proposed to Congress a 5-Point Plan for regulation relief. To discover his proposal’s details and why he put together this plan, we invited Mr. Becker on the program. With his usual flair, Fred provides plenty of information and plenty of hope for relief in the near future for credit unions, who are traditionally more conservative than their larger counterparts when it comes to business processes and procedures. Always a pleasure having Fred on the program, as we are grateful for him taking time from his hectic schedule for a quick chat on this timely topic. Enjoy the program!


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