6 ways to build a better onboarding program

Research has shown time and again that a consumer’s lifetime profitability and value is determined within the first 90 days of their relationship with the organization. For credit unions, this time frame is ideal for uncovering needs and building the type of relationship members will talk about.

I’ve been a part of the credit union movement for more than a decade and have seen what works, and what doesn’t, when it comes to building solid relationships. I joined Callahan & Associates as a client engagement specialist nearly one year ago and have since worked to implement a successful onboarding program. Now, I’m taking that knowledge — as well as research I’ve combed from inside and outside the industry — on the road … or, really, online … with “6 Ways To Build A Better Onboarding Program.”

What did I miss? What would you add? Leave a comment below.

1. Start With Key Performance Indicators

What does a “successfully onboarded member” look like at the credit union? Onboarding, which is essentially relationship-building, can be difficult to quantify. Many organizations use metrics such as loan penetration as a key performance indicator (KPI) for measuring success, but there are pros and cons to that. After all, what if the new member isn’t ready for a loan?


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