Brett King Explains Why ‘Banking Is Something We Do’


Bank 3.0 hit the bookshelves (virtual and non-) recently. Naturally it was time to dial up the book’s best-selling author, entrepreneur, financial consultant, and all-around good dude Brett King to discover what makes this latest work different from his previous Bank 2.0. Well, a lot, I must say. After reading Bank 3.0, I skimmed back through it to find that I dog-eared and highlighted nearly every page for future reference. There is so much information in this book, that we would’ve been talking for hours to cover it all. Instead, this episode is a two-part, 40-minute, jam-packed chat about the future of banking — and how credit unions can ultimately benefit.

Some of the items we discussed include “the loss of physicality,” banking is something we do, not where we go,” “Achilles heel of banking today: Inertia = Friction”, “banking in the cloud,” and much more. We even get an update on Brett’s virtual FI venture: Moven (formerly Movenbank). So much to talk about but so little time. So enough said, let’s get to it. Enjoy the show!

(Part 2 airs April 3.)

Check out: Bank 3.0

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