‘Broad support’ for CUNA-backed changes to FCC call blocking
There is broad support for CUNA’s call for the Federal Communication Commission’s (FCC) to delay creation of any call blocking safe harbors, CUNA wrote to the agency Friday. CUNA’s comments are in response to other comments received on the FCC’s “Notice of Proposed Rulemaking to Target and Eliminate Unlawful Robocalls,” which CUNA believes could affect legitimate communications between credit unions and members.
“CUNA respectfully urges the Commission to delay the creation of any safe harbors and to require call blocking programs to have in place transparent, effective, fast and free mechanisms to reverse erroneous blocking of legitimate calls,” CUNA’s letter reads. “These mechanisms are necessary because the Commission lacks authority to authorize the blocking of legal calls.
“Finally, the Commission should move expeditiously to establish a centralized critical calls list that includes numbers used to disseminate fraud alerts or other time-sensitive financial information,” it adds.
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