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Credit union brand lessons (inspired by the GAC)


The GAC is one of the biggest events in the credit union industry. It inspires passion and innovation, drawing credit union leaders from all across the country to experience it. Everyone’s there. “Are you going to the GAC?” is a pretty common question this time of year.

So, it’s unsurprising that it holds excellent credit union brand lessons. But do those lessons come home with you?

Too often, leaders get a “conference high” only to lose the zeal once their feet touch home territory. Here are a couple credit union brand lessons to remember once you’re back at work after an exciting week at the GAC.

Continue the advocacy

Advocating for the credit union movement is a big part of the GAC.

The Hill Hikes are a famous symbol of the GAC’s focus on sharing the credit union difference. But advocacy exists even on the way to the GAC. Social media post after social media post this year features attendees going #shadesupforkids while on flights in support of the Children’s Miracle Network.

Are you advocating with the same excitement after you return from the GAC? Does your credit union brand ooze community activism? It’s easy to lose that spark amidst the day-to-day worries. And even if your credit union does community service well, it doesn’t always publicize it well.

Remember to advocate constantly, always keeping your core “why” in the back of your head. Market your advocacy to show members and potential members the credit union difference (because most won’t know it automatically).

Develop inspiring brand leadership

The GAC hosts some of the coolest, most inspiring speakers around. These folks are masters in their fields and incredible leadership models. Former Prime Minister Theresa May and actor-philanthropist Gary Sinise are two such speakers this year.

Aside from the people on stage, credit union leaders from all across the country surround you at the GAC. You’re swimming in a sea of hard-earned leadership experience!

Then how come a recent McKinsey study showed only 25% of people say their organizations have inspiring leaders?

Clearly, something gets lost in the mix. You’re abuzz with leadership lessons at the conference … but it’s harder once you’re back in the thick of things. Leading your brand becomes a lot less inspiring and a lot more of a daily grind.

You have a responsibility to always lead the credit union brand consistently. If you don’t, employees won’t live the brand and members will never love the brand.

Brand leadership is tiring. It feels more like a desert than an oasis at times. But persevere and you’ll truly inspire others every day while guiding your credit union to success.

Keep building relationships

Networking opportunities abound at the GAC. It’s a great time to link up with longtime connections or make some new friends. Many of these relationships prove fruitful as you develop personally and professionally.

Your credit union brand must similarly build fruitful relationships with members and prospective members. Consider the point of your brand. Is it transactional or relational?

Brand loyalty will always be higher when you become more than a commodity. People want partners.

Bring the GAC home with you when you advocate, lead and build relationships long after your plane lands. And maybe your whole brand needs a boost of energy like the kind you get at the GAC. If so, don’t forget to look into rebranding.


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