CUInsight Minute with Alyssa Angurio – April 21, 2023

Our favorites from the week in sixty seconds.

Welcome to the CUInsight Minute, sixty seconds from our Community and Marketing Coordinator Alyssa Angurio with our favorite reads from the week.


Why your credit union won’t go the way of SVB

Have you spent the last month assuring jittery members that their hard-earned assets are safe? It’s been an undeniably nerve-wracking time.

But all crises come with opportunities. As news around bank runs and general economic uncertainty continues to dominate headlines, you can take advantage of teachable moments around the credit union difference.

While credit unions certainly aren’t immune to economic downturns, your credit union isn’t likely to have its name in a headline that includes the words “collapse” or “failure.” But do your members fully understand why? Now is a great time to make sure they do.

Here are three core messages to keep reinforcing during this time of heightened financial anxiety: [read more]

Improve the visibility of your marketing efforts

The same thing happens at thousands of credit unions every single day. A member walks into a branch or calls the credit union to deposit a check or complete a transaction. Then, without warning, they ask about a marketing offer they received by email, mail, text, or smoke signal. It’s a great deal. But they don’t remember all (or any) of the details. They want to open that account or apply for a loan, but the MSR knows nothing about it either. Sure, the employee might turn to a spreadsheet marketing updates occasionally (when they have the bandwidth), but most of the time the member leaves with a promise that “someone will get back to them.” That call never comes. Another opportunity lost.

The fix isn’t an intranet page or a handy-dandy spreadsheet. The answer is a CRM that updates constantly and allows your team to turn insights into action. [read more]

CUInsight Mini-Con: IMPACT 

We all want to make a difference and have an impact on members’ lives; that’s why we are in the credit union industry. Join us as Brittany Hodak discusses how credit unions can turn members into loyal, enthusiastic member advocates, aka superfans! She’ll teach attendees how to build a framework to boost reputation, referrals, and revenue, all while building a SUPER brand that stands the test of time. 

Our keynote address is followed by a powerhouse panel of CEOs discussing the important topics and trends relevant to today’s credit union leaders. We’ll wrap up the event with a deep dive into our topics with a live interview breakout session featuring industry experts. Attendees will be provided with takeaways and tools to build their plans for our upcoming tactical takeaway sessions. [Register here]

Alyssa Angurio

Alyssa Angurio

Alyssa Angurio is the Community & Marketing Coordinator at, the leading digital trade publication serving credit unions. Alyssa oversees the valued Community of thought leaders and industry experts who ... Web: Details