Welcome to the CUInsight Minute, sixty seconds from our Director of Marketing, Jen McFadden, with our favorite reads from the week.
Why is accountability so difficult?
by Mark Arnold, On the Mark Strategies
We’ve all been there. Someone on the team is not playing ball. Their behavior is counter to everything we need and expect from each team member. Their measurables and goals may be impacted, but not always.
Very often, someone that demonstrates behavior(s) at odds with team expectations can be a high performer regarding objective, measurable goals, numbers and metrics. But the team’s cohesiveness, effectiveness, ability to focus and results achievement is almost always impacted.
So, what do you do? (read more...)
Skate to where the puck will be—in hockey and talent development
by John Pembroke, CUES
An often-used quote about having foresight comes from hockey great Wayne Gretzky:
“A good hockey player plays where the puck is. A great hockey player plays where the puck is going to be.”
This quote not only applies to your organization’s overall business strategy but also its people strategy. Today’s talent leaders must ensure that both the learning they do personally and the learning that their organizations do overall align to where the organization is going. (read more...)
Why the Cloud Matters to Your Members - Webinar
by Think|Stack
Members are becoming more demanding about their data security. As a credit union it's your responsibility to deliver fast, secure and enjoyable experiences to your members. In this discussion-based webinar we’ll focus on what matters to your members. Hear from industry leaders why credit unions of all sizes are moving away from aging platforms and legacy systems. Learn how to reinvest in innovation to improve your technology, security and compliance. (Save your spot!)