CUInsight Minute with Lauren Culp – May 22, 2020

Our favorites from the week in sixty seconds.

Welcome to the CUInsight Minute, sixty seconds from our Publisher & CEO Lauren Culp with the top three of our favorite things from the week.

Mentioned this week:

*Happy Memorial Day weekend! We’re taking time this weekend to honor all those who died while serving in the US Armed Forces. And to all our veterans and their families, we thank you for your service to our country!

Re-examine low-income designation to mitigate recession risk
Low-income credit unions (LICU) have benefits that help mitigate the impact of the COVID-19 recession while helping to serve members who need support the most. If you are not aware of where your credit union currently stands in attaining this designation, reach out to your examiner and review your AIRES file to see how close you are. (read more)

Now is our time to win the war for talent
You can’t interview candidates face-to-face … It isn’t clear how deep this recession will go … In-person training opportunities are no longer available … What a perfect time to build your team! (read more)

52 Places, Virtually
by PAIGE MCCLANAHAN and When we published our list of 52 places to visit in 2020 three months ago, no one could have guessed how much our world would change. And now, given our stay-at-home circumstances, we’d like to invite you on a series of virtual journeys: You can wander into the belly of an Egyptian pyramid, explore the house where Mozart was born, or fly over the rocky peaks of Glacier National Park. (read more)

Lauren Culp

Lauren Culp

Lauren Culp is the President & CEO at She leads the growing team at CUInsight, works with organizations serving credit unions to maximize their brand and exposure, connects with ... Web: Details