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Develop a better survey for members


The quest for consumer data is on and it’s hotter than ever. Everywhere you turn, someone wants your opinion about something. Whether you’re asked to participate in a telephone survey, an online survey or (they still do those things!?) a paper survey, some company somewhere wants to know what you think about something.

Credit unions are no different. It’s not that seeking data about consumers is a bad thing – far from it. Financial institutions need to know as much as possible about the people they serve in order to retain both wallet and market share. However, as consumers drown in a deluge of survey questions, the same credit unions are also better served by asking better questions. The same old shtick simply won’t do anymore. How satisfied are you about ABC? What do you think about XYZ? These types of questions are passé and, frankly, unlikely to generate the kind of data you can actually utilize.

Having said that, what are examples of better survey questions for your consumers? Following are a few suggestions.

  • Ask deeper questions. Make consumers think. An example from our own question databank is “if XYZ credit union/bank was a car, what kind of a car would it be and why?” It may sound like a gimmicky question, but the responses generated are truly telling.

Jordan Rumsey