There are a number of reasons why you may be feeling anxiety at the office. It could be a looming deadline or buzz around the workplace about possible cutbacks. No matter what is triggering your worry, there are a few easy things you can do to make things at work a bit more relaxed.
Keep busy
The more downtime you have in the office, the more you’ll sit and let your anxieties take over. Letting your mind wander will lead to increased feelings of worry. Instead, make the decision at the beginning of each workday to stay busy. Come up with a plan when you arrive at your desk for how you will devote your time while in the office. That way you’ll be able to distract yourself from whatever was troubling you.
Talk it out
If your anxiety doesn’t eventually subside, the more you keep it inside, the worse it will become. Feeling constantly stressed and worried can be a very isolating existence so reach out to others and stay connected with those around you. Share with them the things that are making you uneasy and accept social support for managing your stress.
Get away
Remember, the fact that you’re feeling anxiety about things at work often times means you care about your career and office culture. If you didn’t, it wouldn’t have so much effect on you. But, letting work anxiety take over your life is unhealthy, so it could be time for a break. If you have vacation time available, get away and really relax. If you can’t take a real break from the office, there are a few things you can do to mentally get away.