by Anthony Demangone
It is early January, so that means my television screams at me, demanding I join Weight Watchers, chug Slim Fast, or purchae any one of a number of crontraptions that will return me to theglow of my youth.
And why not? Many of us are making goals for the new year. And so it is for organizations as well.
I've nothing against goals. To the contrary. They help us focus on what is important. Which brass ring to stretch for. But I came across a post from early last year that got me thinking...
It wasthis, from the wonderful blog, ZenHabits.
There is an alternative to setting goals that will bring you closer to the life you want. Focus on a few practices you can enjoy doing on a regular basis. The trick here is consistency. These four helped me:
- Get up early. When the world wakes up,distractionsabound. If you are going to focus on creating a new life for yourself, you’ll need to find the time. The best way to do this is to work while others are sleeping. At first, I didn’t like waking up before the sun, but eventually my body adjusted and I began looking forward to the solitude.