Impress your boss by asking these three questions

Take a minute to think about how often you truly interact with your superior. Chances are it’s when you either dropped the ball, knocked it out of the park, or are having your yearly performance review. But, maybe you should be engaging with them more regularly to get ahead in the office. Here are three questions you should ask your boss that will certainly make a strong impression.

“How was your weekend?”
On Monday morning it’s difficult for everyone to get back into the groove, your boss included. Don’t forget that although they are your manager, they still appreciate the same niceties you and your coworkers would. So, take a brief second when the week begins to inquire about their time away from the office. It’s never a bad idea to learn more about who you’re working for and what’s important to them in life.

“What can I help you with?”
This question is an excellent one to ask because it shows you want to take initiative in your job. Instead of sitting back and waiting for work to come to you, you are being proactive and getting out there and locating areas where you can help. This is especially important when you notice your boss has a lot on his or her plate. Additionally, if your colleague seems bogged down in their duties and you have free time to spare, asking your superior if it’s okay to step in and help your coworker will show you are a team player and willing to step outside your typical routine.

“How am I doing?”
Who says you have to wait until your annual performance review to get a grasp on how you’re doing? It’s never a bad idea to check in with your boss about where things stand and ways you can improve. They may prefer to wait until a more structured review takes place, but asking for feedback or input is certainly acceptable. It shows you care about your performance and understand there’s always room for improvement.


Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody is a Senior Editor with Wendy works with the editorial team to help edit the content including current news, press releases, jobs and events. She keeps ... Web: Details