In September 2020, the Armed Forces Financial Network (AFFN) will be celebrating 35 years of support to the defense credit union community.You may have seen the logo on ATMs, at Point of Sale terminals or even on your credit union’s debit and ATM cards.Behind that logo is a rich history, powerful strategic partnerships and a dedication to our country’s active duty, veteran, civil service and civilian Americans.But just who is the Armed Forces Financial Network?What do they mean by “Serving Our Troops One Transaction at a Time” and “Processing with a purpose”?
The Armed Forces Financial Network was created back in 1985 at the request of the Department of Defense (DoD), Department of Army Finance, to support US Service members with the introduction of Sure Pay, or what is now known as Direct Deposit.With the creation of the AFFN ATM network, AFFN participating DCUC Credit Unions and AMBA Banks for the very first time could offer our US Service Members the opportunity to establish their hometown credit union or bank account and keep it for life.
The AFFN network allowed consumers to access their hometown credit union/bank account wherever the AFFN logo was displayed around the world.This provided our military consumers an opportunity to build primary relationships with their local financial institutions, establishing credit history, no matter where the member moved or traveled throughout the US and/or around the globe.
After 35 years, AFFN remains true to the mission: Provide quality products, services and support for Participating financial institutions serving the US Military Community worldwide. AFFN remains one of the industry’s independently owned and member governed EFT Networks, consisting of:
- 357 DCUC Credit Unions and AMBA Banks
- 93 million Cardholders
- Access to over 800,000 ATMs worldwide
- Access to over 2.3 million retail locations
In 35 years, the AFFN network has successfully processed nearly 4 billion ATM and Point of Sale transactions for their member institutions, but they don’t stop there.While AFFN began as a solution for US Service Members to have access to their primary institution around the world, today’s AFFN is so much more than an electronic funds transfer network.
The AFFN team has a tagline: “Serving our Troops One Transaction at a Time.”This goes beyond just a marketing tag line.It is their philosophy, and one of their guiding principles.AFFN’s commitment to the DoD, their Member Participants, and the Nation’s fighting men and women goes well beyond providing network services.
The AFFN Military Community Support Program, created in 2004, is a unique giving partnership, between AFFN, AFFN Participating DCUC Credit Unions, AMBA Banks, and FIS.
These programs have graciously given back nearly $4,000,000 directly to our US Service Members and their families through the Military Community Support, Matching Grant, and AFFN Thank You Card Programs, on a local level and on a global scale.
The AFFN Military Community Support program in partnership with FIS proudly supports The Fisher House Foundation.The Fisher House Foundation is best known for a network of comfort homes where military and veterans’ families can stay at no cost while a loved one is receiving treatment.These homes are located at major military and VA medical centers nationwide and in Europe, closest to the medical center or hospital it serves.AFFN, DCUC Credit Union Participants, and FIS donate prepaid $50.00 AFFN Thank You gift cards to military and veteran family members staying in these homes to offset personal expenses, travel-related expenses, care, comfort, food, and entertainment. Since 2005, over 20,192 military families staying at Fisher Houses worldwide have received over $ 1,009,600 in direct support.
Through the Military Support Program, AFFN partners with the Fisher House Foundation in service to wounded warriors and military families participating in the DoD’s Warrior Games held each year in the United States and the Invictus Games held at locations around the world.AFFN presents additional AFFN Thank You Cards to the participants to help offset some of the travel costs for the Warriors to participate.
Congratulations to the Armed Forces Financial Network, Defense Credit Union Council, and FIS on 35 years of service to our military and civilian communities and Member Participants worldwide!