Move fast or don’t move at all

By Mark Arnold

When it comes to change, most credit unions and banks move slow. Like glacial slow. We conduct focus groups, we examine reams and reams of MCIF and demographic reports and we talk about issues without resolving them.

A great deal of “blah, blah, blah.”

Your credit union or bank is either moving forwards or backwards—it is not standing still. So if you’re going to move, move fast or don’t move at all.

It’s time financial institution boards, executives and managers stop talking and start doing. As I told one client who had been considering a name change for over 10 years, “you either need to fish or cut bait.” Okay, I probably used a little more colorful language than that. But you get the idea—just make a decision one way or the other!

So how can credit unions and banks pick up the pace when it comes to making key strategic decisions? Here are a few suggestions:

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