My love/hate relationship with The Facebook

Okay, I’m going to admit it now – I do GET the Facebook. And yes, I’m on it almost daily, spying on my nieces and nephews, posting food porn and living vicariously through Julie Ferguson. But should my business be on Facebook?

Should your credit union have a Facebook page?

6th Story does have a Facebook presence, but I have not been updating it. Because, well, people know me, and I post on Denise Wymore’s Facebook page.  I have a face. They know Matt Davis. He has a really nice face. You could say we ARE the faces of 6th Story. So why should 6th Story be on the Facebook?

In order to set up a business account it has to be tied to a personal account. For a time Facebook had a business account feature that was stand alone but discontinued it. Maybe they only want “faces” on there. Hmmmm….

Should a credit union ask their members to like them?

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