Navigating change: The crucial role of change management in credit union leadership

Just like in life, change is a constant in today’s financial services industry, and credit unions are not exempt. In order to fully support employees and organizational goals, credit union leaders must focus on the role that change management plays in sustained success. When managed and approached effectively change can drive innovation, growth, and long-term viability.

Whether prompted by technology, regulatory requirements, or evolving member expectations, change is a powerful catalyst for progress. Embracing change is not an option; it is a necessity for credit unions to remain competitive and relevant.

Change management involves a deliberate and structured approach to transitioning individuals, teams, and the organization as a whole from the current state to a desired future state.

One of the primary challenges in change management is overcoming resistance. Team members may resist change for a multitude of reasons. Those who exhibit behaviors of resistance can often be labeled as “difficult”, “not a team a player”, etc. In reality resistance is often the result of fear and uncertainty. Leaders can provide direction, support and guidance that can result in a more positive experience for individuals, and therefore increase the likelihood of change being successful.

Effective communication is essential for successful change management. Leaders must articulate the reasons behind the change, the expected benefits, and the impact on individuals and the organization as a whole. Open and honest communication fosters trust and helps employees understand their role in the change process. Clearly defining where the organization will be on the other side of the change, and expectations of all team members, can remove ambiguity and varying versions of the “change story” across the organization.

Change management should be part of strategic planning and initiatives. Ensuring all employees have the knowledge and skills needed to effectively navigate through change is essential. And this should begin with leaders. Just because someone is in a leadership role does not automatically mean they have these skills. Leaders must be equipped to support their teams. Training and education is a pivotal piece for the entire organization.

Change management is not a luxury; it is a strategic imperative for credit unions. Credit union leaders can position their organizations for success by clearly defining and communicating change initiatives, ensuring leaders have the knowledge and skills they need to lead their teams through the change, and providing organization-wide training on change management skills. The ability to navigate change intentionally and with resilience is not only a leadership skill; it is imperative in ensuring credit unions remain relevant and competitive.

Linda Lafortune

Linda Lafortune

Linda is the Director of Learning & Client Support at CUInsight.  She has an extensive background in the credit union industry having worked in both large and small credit unions, in ... Web: Details