Permission to blow up your marketing

From the board room to the frontlines, every credit union and community bank will tell you they put people at the center of everything they do. Even when disappointment occurs, there is always the best of intentions to live up to this expectation. With this grandiose idea, the rabbit hole only widens with the introduction of marketing.

Customer satisfaction studies and segmentation data will give intelligence, but not the passion or the “why” when someone buys. Uninspiring marketing plans are crafted within the ill-fated confines of organizational brand standards. It all stems from a desire to put people first and wanting to share the “customer comes first” story – one that is told again and again and again.

Credit unions and community banks will often place their own advertising or hire a media conglomerate, such as local radio, TV or newspaper, to do it on their own networks (There’s no bias there, I’m sure.). When the marketing is ineffective, the finger points to the cost of advertising. Any change to the marketing message is challenged with, “Well, that’s not on brand.”

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