Social Media: Not just a passing fad

By Nikki Griggs, Marketing Manager, NAFCU Services.

What do Tickle Me Elmo, Ed Hardy, and the Atkins Diet have in common? They are all fads! They have come in gone in their 15 minutes of fame. Many believe social media to be just another fad. But contrary to these beliefs, social media is more likely a trend. You may be thinking, “Aren’t fads and trends the same thing?” True, these terms are similar in that they both refer to new and popular items, but trends, unlike fads, have staying power.

At the 2013 NAFCU Annual Conference, Kristy Grayson of Deluxe Financial explained that social media may be a newer form of communication, but that does not hinder its relevancy or power, especially as social media continues to evolve. Many credit unions may be wary to engage in social media. As social media continues to percolate through the population, regardless of age or demographic, it is becoming increasingly important to adjust and revise marketing plans to include social media strategies and tactics for a well-rounded marketing campaign.

Social media can be leveraged to better connect with credit union members and create stronger relationships with consumers. Essentially, it is another tool that you can add to your marketing arsenal to interact with consumers. Still not convinced that social media is worth your time? Consider the below statistics:

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