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Want to be taken seriously? Stop doing these 4 things at work


Dressing informally

Who will be taken more seriously in the office, the employee that dresses neatly and professionally or one that wears a t-shirt and flip-flops? Even if you work at a more casual office, think carefully about how you are presenting yourself. You may be allowed to dress however you want, but that doesn’t mean you should throw decorum out the window.

Doubting yourself

Employees that are confident in their abilities are taken seriously because they stand by their opinions and their work. As soon as you start doubting yourself, others will question your credibility. It’s one thing to be humble, but it’s another thing to second-guess yourself in a way that makes your coworkers distrust your competence.

Clowning around

It’s important to have fun while at work, but be careful you don’t get too carried away. If you’re perceived as a jokester, your work may not be taken seriously. When your team is more relaxed and the office is engaging in more jovial banter, it is appropriate to be more light-hearted. You don’t have to be a serious person for your work to be taken seriously, but just remember your colleagues and your boss may question the quality of your work if you are always the office clown.

Disrespecting office policy

Even if your office has lax rules and a more laidback feel, some structure is still necessary for productivity. If you are always arriving late, leaving early, and doing whatever you want, your boss and your coworkers may think you don’t care about getting your job done. When you show a lack of appreciation for policies that are in place, you are disrespecting those around you. When your colleagues feel disrespected by you, they will be less likely to take you seriously and will care less about your place in the company.


Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody