What’s in a name: Chief Growth Officer

Alissa Sykes guides growth across the enterprise at Sunmark Federal Credit Union by continuing her love of working with math and people.

When Alissa Sykes was named the first chief growth officer at Sunmark Federal Credit Union ($678.3M, Latham, NY) in January, it continued a trajectory of personal and career growth that began in high school.

Her job shadowing experience at local businesses, including a bank, cemented her comfort in doing math and serving people. Soon after, she began her financial services career at the intersection of the two: as a teller.

Sunmark recruited Sykes to set up a mortgage department some 14 years ago, and she quickly discovered how much better it felt focusing on what’s best for homebuyers, not how much money you can make off them.

“That wasn’t my path anymore,” she says in a 2018 interview conducted by the Sunmark 360 Content Studio. Sykes was chief lending officer and senior vice president when she was named to her new post this past January.


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