What’s the Purpose of Your Credit Union’s Website?

By Joe Swatek

Why does your bank or credit union have a website? I know the real answer is, “Because all the other financial institutions do.”

That’s apparent when I visit some FI websites, as I do every week.

Certainly, some financial institutions have great sites. Full of useful information. Easy to use. Well designed.

Then there are others where it’s difficult to find information about their accounts — or even what accounts they offer. I’m not exaggerating. They seem to think if they have a link to online banking on their home page, then they’ve succeeded.

Consider this. Your customers and members seldom visit your website for information. Online banking and bill pay is the real reason they go there. But online banking is only a small part of the purpose of your website.

Your website has an important SALES function.

The majority of visitors who come to your website for information are prospects who want to open a new account. They wonder if your FI offers the account that’s most advantageous for them. They want details.

If your checking account page has vague entries something like this…

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