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Why it’s important to “Open Your Eyes”


With several states having launched the “Open Your Eyes” campaign in recent months, we are seeing impressive numbers in the form of consumers reached. Now that there have been program launches in different parts of the country, we are able to gather and distill data that is extremely promising.

The great news is that even in the sea of information overload, the campaign is reaching the targeted audience of younger prospective credit union members.

From a recent article in CUNA News, we are seeing that the majority of visitors to, the consumer-facing campaign site, are between the ages of 25 and 44, and 73% of visits are on a mobile device and more than 63% of traffic comes from Facebook.

The article also notes that in the initial four states that have launched the program, campaign resources have reached 6.2 million people through programmatic advertising, 4.3 million on social media and 1.3 million on YouTube, as of June 30.

CUNA President/CEO Jim Nussle was quoted as saying, “The structure of Open Your Eyes to a Credit Union® enables it to cut through the noise, even as advertising ramps up for 2020 elections,” noting it typically won't be competing with television ads.

What this means for the rest of us who have not yet launched the program in our states is that we have untapped power just waiting for us to engage. The credit union potential member base is large and somewhat unreached. With credit unions holding somewhere between 6-8% of the total market, we have a vast source of consumer to engage and reach with our message. That is entirely what the campaign is about.

Our individual credit union marketing messages and materials complement the campaign. While budgets are tight, that will always be the case. Finding ways to creatively fund our participation in this program, across the nation, is critical to engage potential new members and move the needle on that percentage of the market.

Contact your League or Association today and get involved!

Patti Hazlett

Patti Hazlett

GoWest Credit Union Association