4 work choices you’ll regret later

All of us act out of instinct from time to time. We throw caution to the wind and we react based on what’s happening around us. Many of these decisions we hurriedly make are not in our best interest. Consider the following four choices you may make in the workplace and why you’ll regret them down the road.

Worrying what others will think
When faced with a fork in the road, do you take the road others are expecting you to go down, or you do follow your gut? Making decisions with too much consideration for what others expect can be detrimental to your future, as it prevents you from thinking independently. Sure, it’s good to be empathetic and thoughtful about your colleagues, but be strong and decide the best path for you based on your own experiences.

Working too hard
You’re in the midst of a major project or assignment at work and it seems like nothing else matters. If you’re not careful, you’ll get lost in your work and other things around you, especially your personal relationships, will be negatively affected. Remember, there is more to life than professional success. Instead of immediately diving in to your task, take a minute to carefully map out your goals and the time needed for accomplishing them. You may instinctively want to devote everything to your work, but remember the importance of a work-life balance.

Taking a job just for money
We all have to make a living and our salaries are important to all of us. But, don’t let just the amount of money you bring home determine where you will spend your day-to-day. We are in the office more than we are with our friends and family. So, choose your professional path not solely on your salary, but also on whether or not you’ll mind waking up for work each day. You don’t have to LOVE what you do, but being at peace with your work life and finding some enjoyment out of it is vital to finding happiness.

Not speaking up
Remember you can be opinionated without being rude and it is possible to assert yourself without being aggressive. If you feel strongly about something at work, express your feelings appropriately and respectfully. In many cases, you will have to look out for yourself and speak up to get what you want in life. So, don’t be afraid to put yourself out there to get ahead.


Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody

Wendy Moody is a Senior Editor with CUInsight.com. Wendy works with the editorial team to help edit the content including current news, press releases, jobs and events. She keeps ... Web: www.cuinsight.com Details