Rochdale + Paragon News Archives

Royal execution

Royal execution

In my hometown, the Royals’ World Series victory last year has all of Kansas City buzzing about the possibilities of this year’s season. Will they be able to replicate their successes?  Was last year [...]

Builders, bankers and risk

Builders, bankers and risk

Our last article, titled “Builders and Bankers,” highlighted the difference in leadership style between builders and bankers, using the analogy of building a hot fire in a wood stove vs. banking the coals to keep [...]

Builders and bankers

Builders and bankers

Are you a builder, or a banker? No, we’re not talking about construction here. Nor would I label a credit union person with “the b-word.” About five years ago, I heard an excellent presentation [...]

Emerging risks: The “Grexit”

Emerging risks: The “Grexit”

Among the emerging risks that The Rochdale Group monitors are geopolitical threats. These include things like last year’s worries over Russia’s annexation of the Crimea and its forays into Ukraine; the potential threat [...]