Ongoing Operations, LLC News Archives

Top 5 strategies for getting your credit union in the cloud

Top 5 strategies for getting your credit union in the cloud

strat·e·gy: A plan of action or policy designed to achieve a major or overall aim game plan, plan (of action), action plan The times – they are a changing… and depending on whose statistics [...]

Is testing my core processor enough to pass a disaster recovery test?

Is testing my core processor enough to pass a disaster recovery test?

Just as there are thousands of types of potential disasters (Man-made, Environment/Natural, Cyber and Technical), there are equally as many variants possible to test your disaster recovery plans. And because the complexity of your [...]

Top 3 recovery strategies for credit unions

Top 3 recovery strategies for credit unions

When you start to think about Credit Union DR Strategies it can be overwhelming. It was hard to identify just 3 of the many strategies needed but here is my top 3  disaster recovery strategies [...]