How differences make your team stronger

Differences can be one of the greatest assets to a team. Here are 5 ways that team members not seeing eye-to-eye is a good thing for your organization:

Problem Solving: One person can’t see what five can see. The different perspectives of your team can help identify potential problems before they arise and allow you the opportunity to address them before your product or service goes live.

Member Representation: Your team doesn’t think alike and your members don’t think alike either. Your team’s opinions won’t give you a complete overview of how your members feel, but it’s an excellent starting point. Listen to team members’ concerns and opinions to gain insight.

Quash Mediocrity: Boring ideas don’t hold up under a team that isn’t afraid to disagree. Ideas without merit don’t inspire passionate debate, and if there’s one thing a team full of differences inspires is passionate debate. If they all agree an idea is a dud, it probably is.

Drive Growth: Different individuals often have different ideas about how things should be done. This inspires new vision and growth.

Help Ensure Your Values: Teams encompass a variety of members. For every innovator, there’s an individual who holds to the tried and true. While these two types sometimes conflict, they can also help your company grow without forgetting its values.