Is “thank you” now a catch phrase?

by Molly

In our busy world the please and thank yous have lost their way.

If you think about it, the use of the word “please” is totally self-centered. Would you “please” …(finish the sentence) do something for ME?

Giving thanks on the other hand is the exact opposite. Sure, they often go together. But considered separately they are coming from two very different places.

The act of giving thanks is humbling. And it should be.

It takes humility to acknowledge and then express genuine thanks. The fact is, we as individuals are unable to survive without others in our personal, professional and for most of us our spiritual lives.

At Starbucks this morning (a rare treat for me) I thanked the clerk for her work to create my drink. But that’s what most people do. It’s a natural reaction.

The true meaning of thanks is so much greater. If anything, we have desensitized it, trivialized it and marginalized it in our fast-paced world.

Does it fall into the category of “catch phrase?”

My “thanks” for the cup of coffee this morning doesn’t mean the same as the thanks that my sick friend is offering to his recent bone marrow donor as he fights for his life battling leukemia. Few things do.

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