CUNA Councils News Archives

Four ways to get your credit union younger

by: Mark Arnold Almost every credit union wants to get younger—to reduce the average age of its consumers. The average age of membership at credit unions is about 48, while the average age of [...]

Do you know the difference between helping and selling?

Do you know the difference between helping and selling?

by: Wayne Breitbarth Jay Baer’s Youtility is a great book that really puts into perspective the new selling/buying world in which we operate. Do yourself a favor and pick up your own copy. ([...]

Seven reasons to provide your members with mobile apps

Seven reasons to provide your members with mobile apps

by: Robb Gaynor In order to keep up with the evolving trends of modern technology, it is important to maintain a strong place in the market by keeping your members satisfied. If you are not [...]

Relationship development skills: Journey to success

Relationship development skills: Journey to success

When working with branch managers, MZ Bierly Consulting refers to relationship development skills as a progression that involves four stages. “We are very careful to use the word progression as it implies that you are [...]

Reaching the millennial generation through financial education

Reaching the millennial generation through financial education

by: Jason Vitug I recently read a post by fellow community blogger, Bryan Clagett, asking the question, “What does financial education really mean?” I thought it would be an opportune follow-up to address the very [...]

How technology will continue to shape CU design

How technology will continue to shape CU design

It’s one thing to design a branch to meet the needs of today’s consumer. It’s another to anticipate how brick-and-mortar facilities will be used in five, 10, or 25 years. To forecast [...]

Know your true member cycles for cash

Know your true member cycles for cash

by: David Austin A key component of providing excellent customer service is a credit union’s ability to always meet its members’ cash needs. Most credit union executives acknowledge that there are recurring patterns throughout [...]

Consumer compliance risks in social media

Consumer compliance risks in social media

A hot topic is social media, but it has its risks, especially potential consumer compliance risks. Recently, the Federal Financial Institutions Examination Council (FFIEC), which includes NCUA, released new guidelines to help financial institutions, “understand [...]

The wows and woes of cross-training

The wows and woes of cross-training

by: Debbie Varney Businesses use the athletic term “cross-training” as it relates to training employees to do more than one specialized job within the company. Many financial institutions incorporate cross-training into their risk management programs. [...]

Myth #1: Marketing is easy

Myth #1: Marketing is easy

by: Kelley Parks Anyone in marketing has no doubt experienced the heavy handed Board member or well-intended CFO that wants to develop their inner-marketer.  “Why can’t we just buy TV ads?”  “There’s a [...]

Make effective communication a key part of your disaster plan

Make effective communication a key part of your disaster plan

by: Margaret Blankers It could be an earthquake. A bomb threat. An electrical storm and power outage. When is the best time to communicate with your employees, members/clients, the media, and other stakeholders? What [...]

Avoid the compliance pitfalls of social media advertising

Avoid the compliance pitfalls of social media advertising

by: Kristen Tatlock “Marketing compliance” is not an oxymoron. You can work together to create social media messages that are both compliant and aesthetically pleasing. Follow these guidelines to minimize risk: • Loan products. Speak in [...]