How to be professional when things get political
One of the many great things about our country is the freedom to hold any political view we choose. With that freedom often comes the perception that political discussion is acceptable no matter the context or situation. If political conversation arises in your workplace it’s important to consider the following tips for conducting yourself professionally.
Sit back and take it in
While many may feel that political discussions are appropriate in the workplace, many others may feel the exact opposite. It may be best to opt out of vocalizing your views and simply take in what is being said. That way you are still presenting yourself as attentive and respectful without making things awkward if you disagree.
Don’t take it personally
People tend to have particularly strong opinions when it comes to politics, and that’s okay. The key to managing varying political perspectives is to not take differing views personally. These discussions are not a reflection of your coworker’s job performance or their feelings toward their role in the company. So, try your best to take the discussion with a grain of salt and remember their value as an employee.
Shift the discussion to work-related topics
Let whoever initiated the conversation speak their peace, then steer the discussion back toward workplace matters. It is rare when every employee has the same political opinions, so in order to keep things from getting too awkward, bring up something you can all agree on- goals for company growth and success. Presidents will come and go, so remain focused on achieving long-term milestones, both as part of your work team and on your own.