ATM USA News Archives

4 solutions to increase credit union efficiency

4 solutions to increase credit union efficiency

Credit unions across the country are facing several key issues impacting their efficiency and ability to serve members through traditional branch channels. Staffing remains an ongoing challenge, with many branches struggling to keep up with [...]

Should you buy your own ATM or choose a turn-key option?

Should you buy your own ATM or choose a turn-key option?

In today's competitive retail landscape, providing convenient services to customers is essential for success. One such service that has become a staple expectation for consumers is access to in-store ATMs. These cash dispensing machines not [...]

How retailers can boost ATM security

How retailers can boost ATM security

Operating a retail ATM is becoming riskier as today’s economic stress fuels a rise in cash-based crimes. Even more alarming, online forums are supplying the equipment and training needed for criminals to target ATMs [...]

The true cost of accepting debit and credit cards

The true cost of accepting debit and credit cards

Credit and debit cards provide convenience for consumers, but they come at a steep price for retailers. As fraud attempts rise exponentially and processors hike their fees, the true cost of accepting plastic continues to [...]

3 benefits retailers can enjoy when they switch to smart safes

3 benefits retailers can enjoy when they switch to smart safes

Brick-and-mortar retailers face a growing cash management crisis. With rising costs and theft, manually handling cash creates unnecessary expenses and losses. Fortunately, smart safes provide automated solutions that can save retailers time, money, and hassle. [...]

Keep your ATM healthy in 2024

Keep your ATM healthy in 2024

Whether you own / operate a small lobby ATM or a large fleet of bank-grade ATMs, your machine(s) needs periodic, preventive maintenance – just like your car. ATMs collect dust over time, and human interactions with [...]

Stop ATM criminals in their tracks with these tips

Stop ATM criminals in their tracks with these tips

Criminals are always seeking ways to steal money and because ATMs are essentially ‘money machines’ they are a prime target. To prevent your retail ATM from being compromised it’s important to understand what tactics [...]

PCI Compliance: What merchants that own ATMs need to know

PCI Compliance: What merchants that own ATMs need to know

Payment Card Industry (PCI) Compliance has the ATM industry in a tizzy trying to figure out what’s real, what’s projection, and what it really means to an ATM operator’s bottom line. But [...]

How merchants can prepare for the Visa/Mastercard rate hike

How merchants can prepare for the Visa/Mastercard rate hike

Visa and Mastercard are set to raise credit card processing fees in October 2023 and again in April 2024. So, many small business owners are, of course, concerned about the impact these hikes will have [...]