Your Marketing Co News Archives

The fallacious brand philosophy

The fallacious brand philosophy

I don’t pretend to be as eloquent a writer as the late George Carlin, but as someone who is in the credit union branding space, I’m certainly mindful of his “Advertising Lullaby.” If [...]

1 must-implement strategy for 2021

1 must-implement strategy for 2021

The decorations have been packed away. The leftovers are gone. All that is left of Christmas 2020 are the memories… and the credit card statements rolling into mailboxes one by one. According to a pre-holiday [...]

5 books to read in 2021

5 books to read in 2021

 For the second year in a row, I accomplished my goal of reading one book a month (Check out last year’s post, here). Actually, I surpassed that goal. Some books were for pleasure, like [...]

3 ways to ensure marketing success in 2021

3 ways to ensure marketing success in 2021

There’s nothing more painful than failure, especially when it comes to marketing. All of that time and money gone faster than beans through a cowboy. You allocated enough in your marketing budget. You adjusted [...]

Take a walk on credit unions’ wild side

Take a walk on credit unions’ wild side

Credit union leaders, like Tiny Tim (millennials and younger, you can google this one), like to tiptoe through the tulips. We say fluffy things and regurgitate the generic credit union talking points, but we fail [...]