uncommn News Archives

Recession-proof your credit union website and help members

Recession-proof your credit union website and help members

As interest rates rise with the promise of more to come before the end of 2022, consumers are concerned about their finances, particularly access to affordable credit. Inflationary pressures have changed the way consumers behave, [...]

Mint Valley gains control of its credit union website

Mint Valley gains control of its credit union website

Mint Valley Federal Credit Union is a $23.6 million credit union nestled in Longview, the hub of Cowlitz County in Washington State, with a population just shy of 38,000 people. The city boasts [...]

Wise use of your credit union’s marketing budget

Wise use of your credit union’s marketing budget

As consumers’ budgets are feeling the pinch, so is yours. And when times are tight, credit unions’ marketing budget is typically the first to go, which is contrary to research shows brands that continue their [...]

A lost opportunity to grow members

A lost opportunity to grow members

Your credit union website needs a refresh. Credit union leaders need to be aware of the results of one recent study that reported two important data points: 46% of consumers are now using their smartphone [...]

Building financial independence for Gen Z and beyond

Building financial independence for Gen Z and beyond

July is heavily focused on independence in the U.S. We celebrate with fireworks, get-togethers, delicious, iconic foods and parades with decorative floats. This is also usually paired with a break from school, when kids [...]

Time to outsource

Time to outsource

Does the word “overwhelm” mean anything to your credit union team? This word seems to pop up quite a lot these days when it comes to our never-ending task lists. What would it mean to [...]