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The CUInsight Experience podcast: Brent Rempe – Lead with heart (#182)

“Listen, learn, and co-create a future together.” - Brent Rempe


Thank you for tuning in to episode 182 of The CUInsight Experience podcast with your host, Randy Smith, co-founder of This episode is brought to you by Humanidei. Humanidei helps credit unions build inclusive cultures that attract, develop, and retain talent.

My guest on today's show is Brent Rempe, President & CEO at First Alliance Credit Union. Brent shares his career journey that led him to credit unions and his current role. He shares the value in discovering your niche and defining your purpose to effectively lead and serve. The team at First Alliance Credit Union continues to foster connections and ignite positive change within their communities.

During our conversation, Brent discusses how to pursue a heart-led purpose for your team and members. He shares the lasting impact mentors have had on his career and advises those working towards a leadership role. Brent emphasizes the importance of value alignment and trust in building a culture within the organization. Listen as we discuss strategies to effectively serve and influence communities while staying aligned with the mission.

As we wrap up the show, listen in as Brent talks about being amazing by his team, making time for his family life no matter how busy he may be, and recalling advice he got from his mom. Enjoy my conversation with Brent Rempe!

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Books mentioned on The CUInsight Experience podcast: Book List

How to find Brent:
Brent Rempe, President & CEO at First Alliance Credit Union
Brent: LinkedIn
First Alliance: LinkedIn | Instagram | Facebook | Twitter | Youtube

Show notes from this episode:
A big shout-out to our friends at Humanidei, an amazing sponsor of The CUInsight Experience podcast. Thank you!
Want to hear more from Brent? Click here.
Place mentioned: Minnesota
Shout-out: Oklahoma State University
Shout-out: AmeriCorps
Shout-out: De La Salle North Catholic High School
Place mentioned: Portland, OR
Place mentioned: Kansas City, MO
Place mentioned: Tulsa, OK
Shout-out: TTCU Federal Credit Union
Place mentioned: Oklahoma City, OK
Shout-out: Jump$tart
Place mentioned: Africa
Shout-out: ACCOSCA
Education Program mentioned: Credit Union Development Education (DE Program)
Place mentioned: Canada
Place mentioned: Malawi
Shout-out: Lois Kitsch
Article mentioned: Why credit unions should champion climate change
Place mentioned: Kenya
Shout-out: M-Pesa
Shout-out: George Ombado
Shout-out: Brian Lee
Shout-out: Tobi Weingart
Shout-out: The National Credit Union Foundation
Shout-out: Mike Rosek
Shout-out: Mark Hettinger
Shout-out: Monica Belz
Shout-out: Amy Downs
Remembering: Patricia Wesenberg
Shout-out: Brent’s wife
Shout-out: Katy Zaleski
Shout-out: Mt. Kilimanjaro
Shout-out: Mary Beth Spuck
Shout-out: Jim Morrell
Shout-out: Caitlin Brama
Shout-out: Dave Larson
Shout-out: Warren Buffet
Shout-out: Dale Carnegie
Shout-out: Weokie Federal Credit Union
Shout-out: Jill Nowacki
Shout-out: Simon Sinek
Shout-out: Chase Bank
Shout-out: Brent’s son
Place mentioned: Tucson, AZ
Shout-out: Three Rivers Restorative Justice
Place mentioned: Rochester, MN
Shout-out: Brent’s mom
Shout-out: Heather McKissick
Shout-out: CUES
Album mentioned: The Wall by Pink Floyd
Book mentioned: CEO Excellence: The Six Mindsets That Distinguish the Best Leaders from the Rest by Carolyn Dewar, Scott Keller, and Vikram Malhotra
Previous guests mentioned in this episode: Lois Kitsch, George Ombado, Brian Lee, Monica Belz (episodes 42 & 173), Amy Downs, Mary Beth Spuck, Jim Morrell, Jill Nowacki (episodes 4, 18, 37, 64, 82, 101, 113, 126, 138, 148, 161, & 177), Todd Harper

In This Episode:
[00:41] - Brent Rempe says he enjoyed finances in college but wanted to find a way to use finances for social good.
[03:37] - Brent talks about the trust equation in professionalism.
[05:39] - How did Brent end up in Africa?
[08:31] - Purpose drives profit, so be clear on who you serve.
[10:27] - What is Brent excited about in the industry these days? PART 1
[13:06] - What is Brent excited about in the industry these days? PART 2
[15:56] - Maintaining a network of reliable connections.
[18:26] - “You’re going to make a good CEO one day.” PART 1
[21:20] - “You’re going to make a good CEO one day.” PART 2
[23:06] - How can leaders bring the best out of the team?
[25:32] - Brent shares a way to decide which projects to continue or let go of.
[28:28] - Reimagining services provided by credit unions.
[30:54] - Co-creating a brighter future together.
[32:43] - Brent talks about not chasing leadership titles and focusing on investing in your team.
[35:16] - How does Brent make time for his family life?
[36:59] - Brent explains how a complaint to his internet provider got him his first job.
[38:59] - Brent says this is both the best and worst advice someone has ever given him.
[41:09] - Lead with your heart.