News Archives

Be better than your bias

Be better than your bias

George Floyd, Philando Castile, Eric Garner. These are some of the names of African American men whose deaths by the hands of law enforcement were captured on video. Horrific events like the ones these men [...]

Listening to understand

Listening to understand

A few weeks back I was doing a morning meditation on Insight Timer (thank you to Leo Ardine for the referral). During a 30 day meditation (that Jill recommended) there was a course on listening. [...]

How credit unions can shine in dark times

How credit unions can shine in dark times

Credit unions with close relationships to their members and communities were made for a time like this. Advertising plans and marketing strategies built for 2020 could not have predicted the current state we’re in. [...]

NAFCU hits the virtual road with state-specific webinar series

NAFCU hits the virtual road with state-specific webinar series

As NAFCU seeks ways to keep the industry informed of the latest information and challenges impacting operations amid the coronavirus pandemic, the association is launching a virtual roadshow featuring more than 20 events targeting individual [...]

The pros of a federal credit union charter

The pros of a federal credit union charter

In most states, credit unions have a choice of operating with a state or federal charter. There are a number of considerations in determining which charter is more advantageous.  This is an overview of some [...]

The power of using data to drive decisions

The power of using data to drive decisions

These days, data is ubiquitous. As consumers, we carry it with us and leave a digital footprint wherever we go. Lending leaders need it, value it, and are able to amass it—but many of [...]

How 11 industry-leading credit unions have responded to COVID-19

How 11 industry-leading credit unions have responded to COVID-19

Leading a credit union – or any organization – has perhaps never been more difficult than with the onset of the COVID-19 pandemic. And, in the case of credit unions, perhaps demonstrating leadership in financial services has [...]