Gallagher News Archives

Small cap stocks: Brighter days ahead?

Small cap stocks: Brighter days ahead?

A long-held tenet of investing is that small market capitalization stocks (small cap stocks) should produce a return premium relative to those with large market capitalizations (large cap stocks) over time.1 Traditionally, this assumption [...]

DOL finalizes new retirement security rule

DOL finalizes new retirement security rule

On April 23, 2024, the Department of Labor (DOL) issued the final version of a regulation that would change the definition of "fiduciary" under the Employee Retirement Income Security Act (ERISA). Specifically, it would amend [...]

Responding strategically to calls for greater pay transparency

Responding strategically to calls for greater pay transparency

Shared perceptions of a fair-pay workplace are an important driver of employee satisfaction, especially as discourse on pay equity and employee value increases. To stay competitive and compliant, employers need to establish transparent pay practices [...]

Retaining employees through recognition

Retaining employees through recognition

Thousands of US employers ranked employee retention as their No. 1 operational and HR priorities in 2023.1 But retaining employees doesn't happen without a conscious effort. Many factors count, from career growth opportunities to [...]