Your Marketing Co News Archives

Where does your financial institution belong?

Where does your financial institution belong?

Where does your credit union or community bank belong? Hopefully the answer is not “in the toilet,” but if you answered, “in the bathroom,” then you would be correct. Let me explain. When we market [...]

The dreadful reality of a wasted planning session

The dreadful reality of a wasted planning session

Every year credit union leaders and volunteers gather with the best of intentions, hoping to discuss where they’ve been, where they are, and where they’re going. The ultimate goal of these sessions is [...]

Welcome to the Snark Tank

Welcome to the Snark Tank

Social media has become the constant force in connecting people across the globe. Individuals, groups, and large corporations from all over the planet are able to stay in constant contact in a digital – often public – [...]

Making Google personal: Google search trends

Making Google personal: Google search trends

“Who was that one guy who was in that movie that one time?”“How do you convert miles to kilometers?”“Who was the 23rd president of the United States?” These are all questions that may [...]

Rebranding: Embarking on an Amazon journey

Rebranding: Embarking on an Amazon journey

When a rebrand comes out of left field, your executive team, your board, even your frontline staff, may be thinking, “at least take me out to dinner first.” A rebrand won’t fix a high-friction [...]

Tactic talk

Tactic talk

It’s easy to talk tactics. Everyone has ideas and opinions. I see it often as I facilitate strategic planning sessions. What’s difficult is addressing the elephant in the room and talking about the [...]

I got your Google translate right here

I got your Google translate right here

While you’ve been told Google Translate is no match for the real thing, it’s easy to get that quick, one-off translation. What could it hurt when all you need is a headline, right? [...]

Taking the MESS out of Messenger: 5 key takeaways

Taking the MESS out of Messenger: 5 key takeaways

Facebook Messenger has the makings of being a huge success. It started as an in-app no cost way to text and share with your friends and family. You could even call someone! But now, a [...]

Permission to blow up your marketing

Permission to blow up your marketing

From the board room to the frontlines, every credit union and community bank will tell you they put people at the center of everything they do. Even when disappointment occurs, there is always the best [...]