News Archives

GAC 2024: A new era for America’s Credit Unions

GAC 2024: A new era for America’s Credit Unions

As we embark on a new industry era as America’s Credit Unions, the upcoming 2024 Governmental Affairs Conference (GAC) stands as a historic milestone for the credit union movement. This year’s conference (March [...]

Why did fintech stumble?

Why did fintech stumble?

The early 2020s were defined by extreme fintech spectacles. Before the criminal meltdown of FTX, there was the meme stock explosion. In January 2021, with no warning, stocks for companies long-presumed moribund — such as GameStop [...]

Play it safe: Level up your P2P loss prevention game

Play it safe: Level up your P2P loss prevention game

Person-to-person fraud is on the rise every day. 53% of Americans have already become victims of digital payment fraud,1 and 48% expect to be a victim of cyber scams in the future. Digital payment [...]

Reaching impressive heights

Reaching impressive heights

Scott Burt, CPA, is an accomplished leader with a remarkable track record as a board member and a CEO at organizations that are renowned for helping others. Burt’s dedication to the credit union movement [...]

NCUA releases CECL addendum to audit guide

NCUA releases CECL addendum to audit guide

The NCUA released an addendum to its Other Supervisory Committee Audit, Minimum Procedures Guide Thursday, replacing certain procedures for credit unions that have implemented the current expected credit loss (CECL) standard. CECL became effective for [...]

How to retain employees and members

How to retain employees and members

Fostering a culture of belonging Employee burnout is a pervasive issue affecting organizations across various industries, and credit unions are no exception. The financial sector demands high commitment, attention to detail, and often long working [...]