CUES News Archives

CFO Focus: Robust employment propels the current economy

CFO Focus: Robust employment propels the current economy

In my October market outlook, I incorrectly projected that the U.S. economy would be entering recession by December. While manufacturing and business investment have continued to slow consistently, our robust employment picture continues to [...]

Linda Medina named 2019 CUES Distinguished Director

Linda Medina named 2019 CUES Distinguished Director

Linda Medina, board chair at $175 million Guadalupe Credit Union, Santa Fe, New Mexico, was named the 2019 CUES Distinguished Director at Directors Conference yesterday. A board member for 17 years, Medina played a key [...]

Loan Zone: Auto lending never felt so safe

Loan Zone: Auto lending never felt so safe

Given the softening of the auto lending market, now is a perfect time for credit unions to test the near- and nonprime auto lending waters. Clients of Open Lending, a provider of automated auto lending [...]

Navigating NCUA’s new fidelity bond rule

Navigating NCUA’s new fidelity bond rule

On Oct. 22, the National Credit Union Administration published a rule amending its fidelity bond regulations (Parts 704 for corporate credit unions and 713 for natural person credit unions). In addition to this checklist (free [...]

The X-factors

The X-factors

I admit, I was a huge fan of the ’90s cult classic television show “The X-Files” and its two lead agents, Dana Scully and Fox Mulder. Uniting their strengths of science and gut instinct, Scully [...]

Finding time and energy for mentoring

Finding time and energy for mentoring

We all know how difficult it is to find the time to complete tasks associated with our daily work duties, much less to find time for such additional activities as mentoring. So why do people [...]