CUES News Archives

In the interest of interchange, plus . . .

In the interest of interchange, plus . . .

The Kroger grocery chain is poised to expand its ban on Visa credit cards: 21 supermarkets and five gas stations in California no longer will accept Visa credit cards starting Aug. 14. And Mastercard may [...]

HR Answers: Hottest tech tools for recruiting

HR Answers: Hottest tech tools for recruiting

Companies like Google, which receives an average of 3 million job applications yearly, and Amazon, which once received 20,000 applications in a single day, use a whole suite of tools (including artificial intelligence and [...]

DOs and DON’Ts for campaign electioneering

DOs and DON’Ts for campaign electioneering

The federal mid-term elections are virtually upon us, which brings to mind the constraints that are placed on credit unions concerning their participation in our democratic election process. Certainly, credit unions have a significant interest [...]

Get out the eVote

Get out the eVote

Three credit unions describe how they use electronic balloting to improve their board election processes. For credit unions seeking to make their board elections more efficient, cost-effective and convenient, adding an electronic voting option likely [...]

More talent development

More talent development

At CUES, we’re devoted to walking the walk of developing talent. That means looking at our resources and time and figuring out ways for each member of the CUES team to do more professional [...]

HMDA amendments a good start, but not enough

HMDA amendments a good start, but not enough

The Economic Growth, Regulatory Relief, and Consumer Protection Act (SB 2155), among other regulatory relief provisions, amended the 2015 Home Mortgage Disclosure Act to provide partial exemptions from the collection and reporting of the expanded [...]

Loan Zone: Serving owners of manufactured homes

Loan Zone: Serving owners of manufactured homes

Despite news reports that Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac will start pilot programs for chattel manufactured home loans, don’t look for a big move by them any time soon in this arena. That slowness [...]

Empowering managers through leadership development

Empowering managers through leadership development

Imagine a credit union where all managers have the same level of leadership training. A credit union where managers know what is expected of leaders in their organization and where they are able to lead [...]

Video marketing essentials

Video marketing essentials

Dynamic, engaging and versatile, video marketing is undoubtedly a stronghold in mobile advertising today. It’s also one of the most popular ways consumers view content. “For credit unions, video marketing provides a personalized way [...]

3 powerful reasons to invest in AI today

3 powerful reasons to invest in AI today

While 2018 is quickly being dubbed “the year of AI,” by all indicators fintech’s latest phenomenon is just getting started. According to IDC, global spending on cognitive and artificial intelligence systems will reach $19.[...]