Podium News Archives

Website marketing 2.0 for credit unions

Website marketing 2.0 for credit unions

Today, members find new financial institutions and credit unions online. (At least 97% of consumers research online before visiting a local business in person.) And because most members switch financial providers when they move or [...]

3 ways credit unions can use texting

3 ways credit unions can use texting

The days of direct mail and email blasts have been over for some time, but most businesses (and financial institutions) haven’t fully captured the power of consumers’ favorite communication tool—their phones. While texting [...]

3 ways to break website barriers and crush acquisition goals

3 ways to break website barriers and crush acquisition goals

The credit union experience is centered on a local, personalized member journey. And that usually starts online. At least half of all web traffic is on a mobile device and “bank near me” searches have [...]

How reviews can help your credit union find new members

How reviews can help your credit union find new members

Your online reputation matters. And if potential members are reading online reviews that don’t accurately reflect the customer experience you provide your existing members, you’re likely losing to the competition. Over 90% of [...]