CUES News Archives

Preparing for the rise of cryptocurrency

Preparing for the rise of cryptocurrency

Cryptocurrency has captured the industry’s attention more in the last year than any other payments topic. Recently, the digital asset has experienced an explosion of growth. In fact, on any given day, the market [...]

CFO Focus: Why use multiple CECL models?

CFO Focus: Why use multiple CECL models?

As we continue marching towards final adoption of the Fair Accounting Standards Board’s ASC-326 (a.k.a., current expected credit loss, or CECL for short) in January 2023, community banks and credit unions are [...]

Making an investment in financial wellness

Making an investment in financial wellness

Historically, conversations regarding personal finances, or financial wellness, were generally kept to a minimum. For the most part, financial struggles or victories were treated as something to keep to oneself. While still the case for [...]

CFPB expands scope and enforcement of UDAAP

CFPB expands scope and enforcement of UDAAP

The Consumer Financial Protection Bureau has published revised examination guidance and a compliance bulletin that expand the scope of unfair, deceptive or abusive acts or practices. This expansion will result in greater scrutiny and increased [...]

The new age of leadership

The new age of leadership

What does the word “leadership” mean to you? If you’re among the next generation of leaders, you may be motivated more by roles that give you a sense of identity and purpose rather than [...]

The perils of investor overconfidence

The perils of investor overconfidence

Economists and investment strategists are said to suffer from a malady known as “physics envy.” The physical universe is governed by laws that create certainty about the outcome of an action. If a ball is [...]

Transforming transactions

Transforming transactions

Four experts weigh in on the disruptive, always-changing payments space—and their recommendations for how to capitalize on it. Payments Personalization From Amazon suggesting your next buy before you even realize you need it to [...]