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Getting your credit union UNSTUCK

Getting your credit union UNSTUCK

After helping hundreds of credit unions get unstuck over the last 15 years, I’ve started to notice and document trends. How did this credit union get stuck? What was the pivotal point that got [...]

You can’t step into the same river twice

You can’t step into the same river twice

"No man ever steps in the same river twice, for it's not the same river and he's not the same man." This quote from Heraclitus illustrates that in both life and business you can't go [...]

“You can’t get blood from a turnip.”

“You can’t get blood from a turnip.”

In lending, it’s often a case of “racing to the bottom” regarding rates and pricing. Competitors all try to have the best and lowest rates in town to maximize their loan dollars lent out [...]

Avoiding the credit union brand museum

Avoiding the credit union brand museum

I was recently having a conversation with a credit union CEO about the obstacle that is keeping credit unions from growing and attracting younger members to their credit union brand. “Often credit union board members ([...]

A credit union marketing gauntlet thrown

A credit union marketing gauntlet thrown

“Call me Ishmael.” It’s perhaps one of the most famous opening lines in literature. (Bonus points if you can name the book!) It immediately invokes intrigue. “Is your name not Ishmael?” “Why are you [...]

Can credit unions really save money by doing this?

Can credit unions really save money by doing this?

Picture this. You’re on a road trip in a beautiful convertible on a warm sunny summer afternoon. Your favorite jams are on the radio. You’re halfway to your destination with another few hours [...]